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By Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan is the Founder, CEO and Co-Owner of Tampa’s Best Real Estate Agent Team, The Duncan Duo, the Host of The Duncan Duo Real Estate Show Sundays at 10am on 970AM WFLA. As the team’s Founder, CEO & Co-Owner, Andrew’s focus is on the growth of the company, marketing and promotion initiatives as well as motivating and coaching the team’s agents and leadership.

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You need to hire a great real estate agent, especially in a market like the one we’re in right now. People make the mistake of thinking that since the real estate market’s hot, they don’t need to hire an agent. Then they miss out on advertising opportunities, syndication to all the essential websites, they don’t have photos taken at the right angles, the property description isn’t written correctly, and more. I’ve sold thousands of homes and have put a team together that’s sold thousands of homes, so I’ve figured out tips and tricks over time that put more money in your pocket.

Want to work with us? Here are some ways to get involved.


The National Association of Realtors comes out with a study every year that compares and contrasts what the average home sells for without a Realtor and with one. Historically, selling your home with the average agent can increase your net price between 7% and 11%. That’s just an average Realtor; I believe if you sell with one of the best in the market, they can outperform that. You may think you’re losing money by paying commission, but in reality, you’re often getting a lower price.

You don’t know how to negotiate inspection repairs, create a frenzy of interest for your house before it even hits the market, or have professional tools at your disposal. You don’t know the tactics agents use when they’ve negotiated hundreds of deals.

“Agents offer you a safer alternative to avoid the pitfalls that can cause you to get pulled into a lawsuit.”

You often hear Realtors say something like, “I’ve been an agent for 20 years” to reference how much experience they have. However, that’s irrelevant because how long someone does something is not proportional to their skill level. They could have been doing their job poorly for the last 20 years.

Instead, you want to hire someone who does plenty of deals. We learn quite a bit when doing deals, such as how to structure things, what copy works in contracts, what photo angles work best, what to mention about the neighborhood in the home’s description to help accentuate it, and how to have the patience to let offers come in and get the best price and terms for our clients. Realtors also know how to navigate through the legal obstacles that can pop up when selling. We live in a very litigious society, and agents offer you a safer alternative to avoid the pitfalls that can cause you to get pulled into a lawsuit due to your lack of experience.

So if you’re considering selling your home without a Realtor, yes, you can do it. However, you won’t save money; you’ll leave money on the table because you don’t have all the things an agent can bring to the transaction, and you may even get into legal trouble.

If you’re still thinking about selling on your own, good luck. If you’d rather hire the best agent in the marketplace, check us out on our website or give us a call. We’d love to apply for the opportunity to get your home sold.